Category: Best Books

Reality Transurfing Techniques: Simply Mind-Blowing! (My Favourite Books Ever)

“Transurfing is a powerful tool for managing reality. Apply it and life will begin to change according to YOUR order.​” – Vadim Zeland, Reality Transurfing I-V. So… What are the Reality Transurfing techniques? Why is it a life-changing book? What’s so special about the techniques that Vadim Zeland presents?  I am sharing my personal experience and knowledge in this

Instant vs. Delayed Gratification: How It Can Predict Future Success (Mini Book Review)

I have a confession to make: I’m a bookworm. I just LOVE reading good books and gaining new knowledge. And today’s topic will be on instant vs. delayed gratification and how it can predict your future success in life. (Definitely relevant to those who want to succeed in the online business world.) Specifically: I will