Digital Camera Mastery: Best Course for Beginners? (My Personal Review)

Digital Camera Mastery Review

Welcome to my Digital Camera Mastery course review!
(One of the bestseller courses by Mark Hemmings with Photography Pro)

Let’s face it:

If you have an interest in photography, you likely wondered whether it’s possible to make good money in this industry. 

Truth is, it IS possible to turn your photography into an income stream, but first you really need to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed.

(Which is true for any profession).

Now, Digital Camera Mastery claims to teach you how to get off the Auto mode and take outstanding photos that you’d be proud to deliver to your high-paying clients.

Is it really possible?

Is this course really worth it?

Well, I personally bought the course and here’s my truth…

Digital Camera Mastery Review Summary

  • Course Name: Digital Camera Mastery
  • Website:
  • Instructor: Mark Hemmings
  • Product Type: All things photography
  • Best For: Beginner-intermediate
  • Price: $495, $99 (at a discount)
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 30 days
  • My Rating: 95/100
  • Recommended: Yes!

I’ll say this…

Digital Camera Mastery course by Mark Hemmings, while not perfect, is a great photography course for beginner and enthusiasts alike.

It’ll truly help you on your photography journey and the skills that you’ll gain today will help you turn your passion into an income stream tomorrow.

While the videos are 10-15 mins on average, they are PACKED with value.

What’s more important is that Mark doesn’t overwhelm you with the terminology, which really matters if you’re a beginner.

In my opinion, he has a gift explaining things as clear as possible.

And this is true for all of his bestselling online courses:

(There’s no waitlist and there are different payment options available to make it even more affordable for you.)

Best of all?

You get a lifetime access to the course and private FB group, so you can learn at your own pace and get feedback from Photography Pro team, as well as fellow students.

Make your quarantine useful, learn something new today.

What Is Digital Camera Mastery?


What is this Photography Pro course about?

Digital Camera Mastery is a comprehensive course on the basics of camera and photography in general, instructed by Mark Hemmings. 

Just to give you a quick idea, DCM offers you:

  • A step-by-step course to help you start your photography journey from scratch (from holding your camera all the way up to more advanced topics like exposure bracketing)
  • Tips on gear and accessories for your specific needs
  • Additional bonuses (will talk about them later)
  • Amazingly active and helpful community inside the course and private FB group


Mark Hemmings, the instructor, is a great person to learn from.

First of all, he has decades of experience in photography, which include professional advertising, architecture, food and travel photography.

(He definitely knows what he’s talking about.)

Secondly, he has a clear and calm style of teaching and really provides down-to-earth explanations of every topic, no matter how complex it is.

In fact:

Mark has a lot of experience as a workshop instructor, which are hosted worldwide every year. And this experience translates online, meaning that it’s easy to consume and understand his videos.

As a beginner, you can’t go wrong with this course.

==> Click here to get started today.

My Video Review of DCM Course

I started a photography-related channel on YouTube and I decided to create a video-based review of this course as well. Click below to watch it:

==> Click here to subscribe for more videos!

Who Is This Course For?

Without a doubt…

This course is created for beginners, perhaps even enthusiasts who do have some knowledge but need a refresher on the basics of camera or photography.

You’ll learn the stuff that all photo courses should cover, including but not limited to:

  • camera controls
  • exposure triangle (aperture, shutter, ISO)
  • how to get sharp focus
  • how to control your depth of field

Mark also talks about the artistic principles of photographic composition such as the rule of thirds, the use of complementary colours, photographing from creative angles and so forth.

I highly suggest you join it, especially if you have zero knowledge.

In fact, the less you know, the better!


If you’d like a more advanced beginner course, and would like to have Mark Hemmings as your instructor, you may want to check out his other course – Photo Shortcuts.

(To keep your options open, I will also provide great alternatives for you at the end of this review.)

In any case…

Whether you choose DCM or PS course, I encourage you to complement it with Mark’s other course on editing with Lightroom CC.

==> My full review of Lightroom Editing Mastery.

Inside Digital Camera Mastery

1. Training

All the videos inside are strictly photography-related. Some of the lessons talk about editing and photo management.

There are 7 main modules, as well as additional bonuses that you get when you invest in DCM.

(It won’t include topics like making money with photography though.)

Here’s a rough overview of what to expect:

  • Module 1: The Essentials of Your Digital Camera (you’ll the very basics of camera and photography)
  • Module 2: Composing With Your Camera (you’ll learn the important composition rules to create awesome photos)
  • Module 3: Focusing Techniques (focusing is an important area of photography)
  • Module 4: Camera Exposure Controls (you’ll learn about the aperture-shutter-ISO exposure triangle)
  • Module 5: Lighting And Picture Control (Mark shares a lot of insights on lighting that he gained thanks to his professional advertising photography experience)
  • Module 6: Photography Genres (you’ll learn about different shooting styles, from wildlife to portrait to street photography)
  • Module 7: Photography Gear And Accessories (you’ll learn about the specifics of gear for your particular needs)

And that’s not all.

On top of that you’ll get additional bonuses that include editing tips with Lightroom CC, how to tell a story with photos, abstract photography and organizing photo collections.

(I encourage you to watch my video above, I actually show you the inside of each module from my personal student account.)

2. Support

Whether it’s a technical issue, need feedback or have some other photography-related question, you will have the support from Photography Pro or the students (including myself).

It’s a very active community!

3. Price

For comparison purposes, if you were to attend Mark’s live workshop, you’d have to pay between $5,995 and $9,995 for a week with him. Wow!

With the Digital Camera Mastery online course, the original is set to be $495 but you’ll likely get it at a 80% discount price of $99.

(Which is actually a lot lower than most photography courses on the Internet.)

There are 2 payment options:

  • One time payment of $99
  • 3 instalments of $39 (= $117)

The good thing is that you’re covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee.

==> Grab your spot today with 90% OFF.

The Pros & Cons of This Course

  • What you might like about this product

Now, there are a few things I like about this course.

First things first:

Mark offers very down to earth explanation of concepts and his lessons usually are no more than 10 mins long. In my opinion, this is great because you won’t get overwhelmed by the amount of information on a particular topic.

(Don’t get me wrong, the lessons may be short but you get a LOT of value.)


The structure of the course is pretty easy to follow, although you could likely just jump around the modules/lessons if you really want to. 

Not only that but Mark covers all the basics, even how to hold your camera, and then moves up to advanced topics like hyperfocal distance and so forth.


You don’t have to have a fancy, expensive DSLR to join the course, nor do you need to have previous experience in photography.

Like I mentioned before, the less you know – the better!

Not to mention that it comes with a lifetime access, has an amazingly active FB community, and offers different payment options to make it even more affordable.

  • What you might not like about this product

Are there any downsides?

Frankly, not really. Perhaps the biggest thing I don’t like as much would be regarding the landing/sales page, not the course itself.

The way the sales page looks, it made me cautious to buy the course because it kinda looked a scam page (which I can now assure you it’s not).

Another thing is the marketing move with the 80% discount create a sense of urgency, when in reality it doesn’t actually expire. 

I mean, I haven’t actually tracked it but from what I’ve noticed, the price is usually $99.

(With rare occasions of Photography Pro team actually lowering the price to 90% off, which happened only once since I’ve joined. It was a special stay-at-home discount during the pandemic.)

Other than that, I really have nothing bad to say about the course.

Is Digital Camera Mastery Course Worth It?


Is Digital Camera Mastery worth it?

I certainly think it is, especially if you are a beginner, looking for a good price-quality ratio photography course online. 

Below is another impromptu video I created to answer some of the burning questions you might have.

==> Click here to join the course.

Online Photography Courses: The Alternatives

Look guys…

I’m all about keeping your options open and I’d like to offer additional courses you might be interested to check out.

These include the following for beginner and more advanced levels:

Hope this list helps!

And let us know in the comments the course that YOU tried and loved.

Making a Living with Photography

Here’s the truth:

I had an unfortunate incident in my life, which resulted in a massive orthopaedic surgery, and there was a couple of years that I couldn’t walk at ALL. I was literally stuck in 4 walls, in pain and very close to going insane. 

But I started learning and found a way to share my interest in photography through words – and created a website.

(Since making money in its traditional sense was out of question.) 

Whether it is photography or any other interest/niche you’re interested in, you, too, can make money online. How?

If you master both, you’ll absolutely crush it in the online space!

Digital Camera Mastery Review: Thoughts?


I’d like to hear from YOU:

  • What do you think of my Digital Camera Mastery course review?
  • Have you taken any of the online courses by Photography Pro?
  • Have you ever considered making money with your photography interest?
  • Any other thoughts, questions, suggestions?

Let us know in the comments!

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