iPhone Photo Academy by Emil Pakarklis: Is This Course Worth It? (My Review)

iPhone Photo Academy Reviews

Welcome to my iPhone Photo Academy review!
(One of iPhone Photography School’s bestseller courses)

Let’s be honest:

A lot of ‘regular’ people don’t carry their bulky DSLRs around and it’s likely that their camera just doesn’t leave the shelf on most days.

And this likely means you failed to capture a lot of great moments.

What’s the solution then? 

Well, the iPhone Photography School founder claims that you should use the camera that’s always in your pocket. Your iPhone is just a tool. What matters is how you use it.

Now, can you really take such outstanding photos that you’d be proud to publish on stock photography platforms and potentially make money off those?

Is it really possible?

Is iPhone Photo Academy legitimate?

What are the iPhone Photography School reviews?

I personally bought the course and I’ll share my truth…

iPhone Photo Academy Review (Summary)

  • Company Name: iPhone Photography School
  • Course Name: iPhone Photo Academy
  • Instructor: Emil Pakarklis
  • Product Type: all things iPhoneography
  • Best For: Beginner-intermediate
  • Price: $495, $99 ==> Get you discount here
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 30 days
  • My Rating: 95/100
  • Recommended: Yes!

I’ll say this…

iPhone Photo Academy by Emil Pakarklis, while not perfect, is actually one of the best iPhone photography courses online for beginners and experienced DSLR photographers alike.

I feel that it’s a great one should you want to start your mobile photography journey the right way.

While the lessons are 10-15 mins on average, they are PACKED with value. Emil has years of experience in this field and he shares all the tips and tricks iPhoneography.

And guess what?

While the instructor covers every topic imaginable, he actually does a great job to not overwhelm you with all the terminology.

Which definitely matters if you’re a total beginner in the world of photography.

Best-selling iPhone Photography School courses include:

Even if you get just one of these digital products, you’ll see how drastically you were able to improve your skills and produce spectacular shots.

Here’s the kicker…

It’s totally affordable! You’ll have a lifetime access, can learn at your own pace, and be a part of private community with valuable feedback.

As a newbie, start with iPhone Photo Academy first.

Grab your spot by clicking on the button below ↴

What is iPhone Photo Academy?


What is this iPhone Photography School course about?

iPhone Photo Academy by Emil Pakarklis is a comprehensive course to help you get the most out of your iPhone’s camera and photography in general.

(And it works for both total newbies and experienced DSLR photographers alike.)

Just to give you a quick idea, IPA offers you:

  • A step-by-step course to help you start your mobile photography journey from scratch (from holding your iPhone all the way up to more advanced topics)
  • Useful lessons on how to use different iPhone models (no matter how old/new)
  • Additional bonuses (will talk about them later)
  • An active and helpful community inside the course and private FB group


Emil Pakarklis, the instructor, is a great guy to learn from.

Why? Because he has several years of experience of mobile photography and he’s done it with every iPhone model. So he definitely knows what he’s talking about.

Not only that but he has a calm, straightforward way of teaching no matter how complex the topic is.

This being said:

If you’re interested in stepping up your iPhone photo game, then you can’t go wrong with this course. Especially considering that it’s probably the best one on the market yet.

My Video Review of This Digital Product

Below I’m attaching my video review of iPhone Photo Academy course by iPhone Photography School (posted on YouTube). Click to watch it:

==> Click here to subscribe for more videos!

Who Is This Course For?

Without a doubt…

This course was created with the beginners in mind and it covers all the possible topics, no matter how trivial they may seem.


  • the essential features of your smartphone camera
  • the basic rules and principles of great photography
  • tips and tricks for creative iPhone photos
  • common mobile photography scenarios

But that’s not all.

This course works not only for newbies, but also long-time iPhone users who have some experience with photography, and even experienced “big camera” photographers.

Mark with Shotkit, a pro photographer, is one great example to mention.

He wrote the following on his website:

… the more I watched, the more I realised that this is a course for all standards – yes, even professionals like myself.

It’s a little embarrassing to admit this, but I found myself taking notes at multiple times when watching the course!

Now I think about it though, even with 10+ years of pro photography experience under my belt, this doesn’t mean I know everything about using a device normally reserved for making phone calls to take a great photo.

As you can see, even professional DSLR photographers benefit from the course!

Yes, the value of the product is THAT good.

And hey. If you’re an experienced photographer yourself and you’ll find that you know everything that Emil talks about, the you’ll have 30 days to get your money back.

(No questions asked.)

iPhone Photo Academy is a legitimate company and personally, I’ve experienced great customer service with the iPhone Photography School/Photography Pro team.

==> Yes, I want to check it out.

Inside iPhone Photo Academy

1. Training

All the videos inside are strictly photography-related. Some of the lessons talk about editing and photo management.

There are 6 main modules, as well as additional bonuses that you get when you invest in IPA.

(It won’t include topics like making money with iPhone photos though.)

Here’s what to expect once inside:

  • Module 1: The Essentials of iPhone Camera (you’ll learn the very basics)
  • Module 2: Additional iPhone Camera Features (something you’d probably never find out on your own)
  • Module 3: The Principles of Great Photography (an important section, especially if you’re absolutely new in the photography world)
  • Module 4: Creative iPhone Photography Techniques (if you want to “spice” it up)
  • Module 5: iPhone Photography Genres (you’ll learn about different shooting styles, from landscapes to portraits to night photography)
  • Module 6: Technical iPhone Photography (you’ll learn about the exposure line and a Camera+ dedicated camera app)

And that’s not all.

You’ll also get additional bonuses that include simple editing tips and techniques for perfect color and exposure, how to preserve the quality of your photos, and how to manage a huge photo library.

(I encourage you to watch my video above, I actually show you the inside of each module from my personal student account.)

2. Support

Whether you’re facing a technical issue, need feedback or have some other photography-related question, you will have the support from iPhone Photography School team and/or the students (including myself).

It’s a very active community!

And like I mentioned before, it’s a legit company with great customer service.

3. Price

For comparison purposes, if you were to join the competitor course, you’d have to pay the full price of $849.


iPhotography course price

(Does anyone even pay that much for a photo course?)

With the iPhone Photo Academy online course though, you’ll likely get it at a 80% discount price of just $99.

Which, as you can see, is a lot cheaper than its competitor course.

There are 2 payment options:

  • 1 time payment of $99
  • 3 instalments of $39 

The good thing is that you’re covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee.

==> Grab your spot at iPhone Photo Academy for 80% OFF.

What I Like About iPhone Photo Academy


At this point, I’d like to talk about the things I especially liked about these online tutorials product and what you might like, too.

First things first:

Emil recorded his videos that are 10-15 mins on average and he’s doing a great job explaining concepts in the simplest manner possible.

For beginners not familiar with photography this is especially a bonus. This way you won’t get overwhelmed by the amount of information on a particular topic.

Don’t get me wrong though, the lessons may be short but there’s a LOT of value in them.

Second of all:

In terms of the structure, I found it pretty easy to follow. And if you want to, you can still jump around the modules/lessons.

(For example, if a certain topic is too basic for you and you need to move to the next lesson.)

Not only that but Emil covers all the basics, even how to hold your iPhone the right way when shooting, and then moves up to advanced topics like exposure line, histogram and HDR.

Third of all:

You don’t have to have a fancy, expensive DSLR to enjoy photography. You don’t even need the newest iPhone model to join the course.

Nor do you need to have any experience in (smartphone) photography.

In fact, the less you know – the better!

Not to mention that IPA offers a lifetime access, has a supportive FB community, and offers different payment options to make it even more affordable for you.

How awesome is that?

FYI: If you’re looking for iPhone photography classes for free, you can check out iPhone Photography School’s YouTube channel.

What I Don’t Like About This Online Course


Is there anything that I don’t like?

I’ll be honest, there aren’t too many downsides. The only 2 things that bothered me a little was in terms of the sales/landing page, not the course itself. What I mean by that?

You see…

The way iPhone Photography School team built their landing pages for their online courses put me off at first.

It made me cautious as a buyer and made me wonder if this iPhone photography course a scam.

(Especially having had experience reviewing actual scams in the ‘make money online’ space with similar landing page approach.)

Spoiler: I personally bought the course and can confirm that, indeed, iPhone Photo Academy is legitimate and once inside you’ll see lots of value.

Another thing is creating a sense of urgency with the 80% discount, when in reality it’s just a simple marketing move and doesn’t actually expire. 

So usually the price is $99.

There was only ONE time I recall them reducing the price to 90% OFF in spring 2020. It was a special stay-at-home discount during the pandemic. (And many people appreciated that.)

Other than that, I really have nothing bad to say about the course.

By the way, if you’re looking for iPhone Photo Academy complaints, you might wanna check out this post.

Is iPhone Photo Academy Legitimate?

Is iPhone Photography School legit? Are the courses worth it?

In this section, I want to answer a few questions once and for all.

Q: Is iPhone Photo Academy legit?

Yes, this course by iPhone Photography School is legitimate. I myself bought it from my own pocket back in 2019 and I’ve seen it improving since then. In 2022, it remains to be one of the bestsellers in the iPhone photography niche.

Q: Is it worth it?

In my opinion, iPhone Photography School bestseller is worth it. Especially if you’re totally inexperienced in the photography field, and want to capture the moments that matter with what you always have with you – your smartphone.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to watch my video review above, where I answer frequently asked questions.

Q: Emil Pakarklis net worth? 

Since this website is more related to making money online, for some reason people land on this review when they search about Emil Pakarklis’ net worth.

You can also read Emil Pakarklis review here.

As for making money online yourself, read the next section.

Making a Living with Photography

Here’s the truth:

I had an unfortunate incident in my life, which resulted in a serious orthopaedic surgery, and there was a couple of years that I couldn’t walk at ALL. I was literally stuck in 4 walls, in pain and very close to going insane. 

But I started learning and found a way to share my interest in photography through words – and created a website.

(Since making money in its traditional sense was out of question.)

Whether it is photography or any other interest/niche you’re interested in, you, too, can make money online.

You can even crush it in the micro-niche of mobile photography, if you think outside the box.

How you may ask?

If you master both, you’ll absolutely crush it in the online space!

iPhone Photo Academy Review: Thoughts?


I’d like to hear from YOU:

  • What do you think of my iPhone Photo Academy course review?
  • Have you ever considered making money with your photography interest?

Any other thoughts, questions, suggestions? Let us know in the comments!

Sharing is caring! ↓


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